The Merry, Merry Month of May

May 12, 2021By Nancy CoinerOur lives now, Retirement issues

What most people call Spring, I experience as Pollen Season. This month, all the plants and trees are soaking up the sunshine and rain and growing inches each day. They’re also putting out unbelievable amounts of yellow, dusty stuff that makes me sneeze like crazy. Thank goodness for antihistamines. Without them, I’d spend the whole … Read More

Those Life-transforming Books

May 5, 2021By Nancy CoinerRetirement issues 4 Comments

“This was the time in her life,” Ondaatje writes of a young nurse in The English Patient, “that she fell upon books as the only door out of her cell. They became half her world.” That young nurse, Hanna, is deeply traumatized by her experiences as a WWII nurse in Italy. In a bombed-out villa … Read More